STUDY Question 42:
What is the comparison of impacts between agricultural
residues and on-purpose crops?
Residue Impacts
On-Purpose Crops Impacts
Forest Impacts
Impacts on Farmers
Papermaking Qualities
Impact on Sustainability
Study: The question of whether agricultural residues
are environmentally preferable to on-purpose crops for
paper pulp use has become a hot debate within the environmental
community. This section captures part of that debate
and will be expanded as more voices add their perspectives.
To begin, several
respondents suggest criteria and processes for making
these comparisons.
evaluation of nonwoods for today's fiber needs should
include raw material costs, chemical composition affecting
yield, ease of pulping and bleaching and waste stream
considerations. Economic viability, recyclability, and
the environmental impacts of collection and production,
or Life Cycle Analysis - all must be considered.
- Tom Rymsza, President, Vision Paper
should differentiate agricultural cropping residues
from on-purpose cropped fibres. High growth of above-ground
biomass corresponds to high nitrogen fertilizer uptake
. . . a law of nature. Within the agri-cropping residue
group, one should also differentiate again on food versus
non-food cropping. Growing cotton on subsidized water
may be a frivolous anti-social activity.
See for example,
my presentation, "Comparative emission of methane from
different rice straw management practices in California
- A statewide perspective." - Al Wong, Founder,
sustainable forestry issues become more defined, we
have to also look at sustainable agriculture. To compare
how an acre of trees versus an acre of agriculture is
managed, we need a clear standard for comparison. The
criteria for organics are primarily related to human
health, how much residue is on the fruit or vegetable.
It might be appropriate to develop a non-food standard.
It would have to be beyond the organic requirements
and focus on the life cycle issues: runoff, irrigation,
transportation limits of inputs, etc. - Russell
Clark, Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program,
LISTENING STUDY: The Environmental Paper Network
achieved a consensus Common Vision among environmental
groups for developing future environmentally sustainable
papers. Following is a relevant part of the hierarchy.
Eliminate paper manufactured solely of virgin
fiber and fundamentally reduce reliance on virgin tree
fibers. . . . Maximize post-consumer recycled fiber
content in all paper and paper products. Increase the
use of other recovered materials (e.g., agricultural
residues and pre-consumer recycled) as a fiber source
in paper. . . . Use alternative crops for paper if comprehensive
and credible analysis indicates that they are environmentally
and socially preferable to other virgin fiber sources.
- Environmental Paper Network, "A Common Vision for
Transforming the Paper Industry"
to top
Residue Impacts
LISTENING STUDY: Many respondents praised or criticized
agricultural residues as a source for paper fiber.
agricultural residues as a fiber source for paper offers
clear environmental benefits. These residues are a by-product
of a crop grown for other purposes, rather than being
grown directly for use as fiber. Hence, using these
residues as a source of fiber represents a beneficial
use for an existing waste product while displacing the
need for virgin fiber, whether from annual crops or
trees. Farmers also avoid generating the air pollution
that results from the widespread alternative practice
of burning the residues in the field. - Richard
Denison, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Environmental Defense
the table below for a larger version

agricultural residues to make paper helps solve a waste
management problem for farmers and provides an additional
source of fiber for papermaking. Chemical use throughout
the fiber acquisition process is also low. Paper industry
experts think that agricultural residues will be more
competitive than annual crops because no additional
land is required and the agronomic practice has already
been developed. Harvesting straw for pulping eliminates
the burning of straw and the resulting air pollution.
Harvesting the straw
can lead to a loss of nutrients in the soil. Farmers
must then balance the cost of a smaller straw harvest
with the application of fertilizer to compensate for
the nutrient loss. More research is needed on the effects
of taking away agricultural residues on soil fertility
(loss of nutrients) and soil structure (faster penetration
of water and thus increased irrigation requirements).
- Environmental Defense Fund Paper Task Force, White
Paper 13, "Non-Wood Fiber Sources"
biggest opportunity for using non-wood fibers with little
land impact is simply to use the residues of the millions
of tons of crops that are already being grown for food
and oilseed. This includes most of the cereal crops
(wheat, rice, barley, oats) as well as bagasse, flax
and hemp. The debate about land use then only comes
into play when considering bamboo, kenaf, arundo and
other dedicated fiber crops. - Jeanne Trombly,
Fiber Futures
utilization of agricultural residues does not increase
the inputs of pesticides and fertilizers since these
would be applied whether or not the crops are used for
paper-making. - IIED 1996, Towards A Sustainable
Paper Cycle
comparison between virgin fibers and agricultural by-product
fibers is not fair practice. The amount of land, need
for pesticides and fertilizers, etc. are already counted
in growing agricultural products (according to the principle
of Life Cycle Assessment). The only expense to the agricultural
residues should be the expense of removing the fibers
after the removal of the main product's "grain." Therefore,
the impact of these types of agricultural residues should
be zero, or need readjustment. Sometimes, these residues
are unwanted by the farmers and some farmers will pay
to get rid of them. Thus, utilization of agricultural
residues in the pulp and paper industry can be compared
to killing two birds with one stone. - James
S. Han, Research Chemist, USDA Forest Service Forest
Products Laboratory
The use of agricultural residues for papermaking
is mostly positive, as it generates income and reduces
waste. But this has to be weighed up against alternative
uses of residues such as for fuel and fodder.
- IIED 1996, Towards A Sustainable Paper Cycle
again, without a life cycle assessment this is educated
guessing. Agricultural residues would have less impact
because it is an available resource that is often burned
or landfilled. - Living Tree Paper Company
one estimate, depending on growing practice and soil
type, an average of more than 50 percent of harvested
cereal straw is available as surplus, or roughly one
metric tonne per hectare of cereal grain (0.4 ton/acre),
with the remainder tilled into the soil to prevent erosion
and preserve soil productivity. - Maureen Smith,
The U.S. Paper Industry and Sustainable Production
some places, particularly rural areas in countries with
few wood resources (both developed and developing),
it may be more appropriate to use locally available
nonwood fibers for paper-making than to import wood,
paper, pulp or waste paper. This is especially the case
where excess agricultural residues are available. The
benefits include savings in foreign exchange, increased
local incomes and reduced long distance transport. Non-wood
mills may be particularly suitable where high population
densities or other factors preclude tree growing. Crops
can be rotated depending on what is profitable that
year, rather than being locked into cycles. -
IIED 1996, Towards A Sustainable Paper Cycle
agricultural residues shares field operations with other
crops; they require less mechanical input than on purpose
crops. Unfortunately, there are no ag residues that
have much potential in the paper industry. The high
silica and lignin levels of some of these fibers create
problems in the pulp mill and lead toward high chemical
With all agricultural
products, the farmer's main interest is in the primary
crop. The technical fiber characteristics are of little
concern to a farmer who makes most of his or her income
from the grain. Maintaining a reliable raw material
stream that reacts with demand would be difficult when
using a byproduct of another industry. On purpose fiber
crops such as kenaf provide a more consistent, viable
product. - Tom Rymsza, President, Vision Paper
In general, I discourage the idea of using crop
residues (except in specific situations that would otherwise
require burning or create other problems). Farmers are
an efficient bunch and if there were a "commodity price"
for residues it would be too tempting to take off too
much residue. You have never heard of a farmer intentionally
leaving beans, cotton, or corn in the field at harvest;
the same farmer would not leave enough residues for
ground cover if he already took the time to bale and
move the residues. Natural Resource Conservation Service
(USDA) takes a similar stance on crop residues (
The USDA is still
arguing amongst itself about harvesting crop residues.
Their official statement is that unless it is to prevent
soilborne diseases or other specific purposes, they've
cut off funding towards research on harvesting. Some
of their previous work on wheat straw shows it's promising,
but the cost is the holdup. They claim that farmers
can be competitive getting $40/ton of residue, whereas
farmers actually should get $50/ton based purely on
protein content (i.e.: hay production). A farmer is
not going to start their tractor just to collect straw
at such low commodity prices.
It would be more
viable to develop a farmer's co-op directly connected
to the industry. For example, if you have three farmers
who own equity in a paper making factory then, unlike
most commodity crops, these farmers can think year-to-year
in a sustainable way. Then the straw price wouldn't
be tied to a commodity price. So, the incentive for
us to leave residue on the fields is much higher than
if we put a commodity price on the residue (which the
market would form based on volumes). This scenario encourages
entrepreneurs and farmers to responsibly run the business.
The same is true for the wood products industry. As
a farmer, I love my land more than anyone else, and
want the opportunity to manage it in a sustainable way.
- Peter A. Nelson, President, AgroTech Communications,
LISTENING STUDY: Most of the arguments regarding
agricultural residues vs. on-purpose crops reference
straw and grain residues vs. kenaf or hemp, the two
on-purpose crops that are available as paper pulp sources
in North America. But not long ago, arguments were raging
about the use of cotton to make paper, and whether it
even should be included in discussions about nonwood
paper fibers at all. In fact, the U.S. EPA categorizes
cotton linters (the agricultural residue from which
paper is made) as a preconsumer recycled industrial
fiber source, and there are even a few postconsumer
recycled sources such as used denim and currency. Peter
Hopkins responds to some of the misunderstandings about
cotton fiber sources.
regards to cotton, cotton growth practices are the sole
responsibility of those who grow the crop. Cotton-fibers
used for papermaking are the waste products of cotton-ginning
and the manufacture of textiles and finished garments.
These papermakers have no influence on how cotton is
grown. If cotton-fiber papermakers announced they were
only going to make papers from organic cotton, not a
single acre would be converted to organic cotton, because
they don't make paper from field cotton. Those tree-free
paper manufacturers, who have been in business since
before trees were cut for paper, would immediately go
out of business. - Peter Hopkins, Environmental
Papers Consultant for Crane Paper Company, Gargan Communications
to top
Crops Impacts
STUDY: Some respondents praised or criticized crops
grown "on purpose" for paper fiber.
In the US, almost 80% of all annual row crop land
is used to produce three main crops - corn, soybeans
and wheat. That does not represent diversity or sustainability.
The intensive agricultural practices currently used
require high levels of fertilizer and chemicals on those
crops. Adding new crops that are rotated with conventional
crops will reduce overall pesticide and other chemical
use, will contribute to maintaining soil fertility,
and will help to reduce surpluses, which drive prices
down. When prices are low, the government steps in with
deficiency payments to farmers (subsidies), which cost
you, the taxpayer, money, and which create an un-level
playing field in the world trade picture.
The clearly documented
higher productivity of kenaf, when considering the amount
of paper that can be produced from a given land area
compared to trees, coupled with the benefits derived
from a more diverse agricultural crop mix, and the subsequent
benefits to rural economies, are compelling. -
Tom Rymsza, President, Vision Paper
Since the early 1930's the US Department of Agriculture
has devoted some attention to possible use of nonwoody
plant fibers (especially crop residues such as sugarcane
bagasse and grain straw) in pulp and paper. Limited
amounts of pulps from nonwood plant species are used
alone and in blends with wood pulps to develop special
properties in the final papers.
Beginning in 1956,
the Agricultural Research Service initiated a new approach
to the fiber resource problem. This involved the identification
of new plant species that could compete with pulpwood
in furnishing satisfactory fibers for pulp and paper
that could compete with crops of a given region in providing
growers a new crop source of income. Pulp and paper
producers should be able to use these fibers either
alone or in conjunction with other fibers.
As a first step
in identifying new sources of fibers for pulp, a botanical-analytical
screening system was established. This approach was
necessary to systematically evaluate samples from the
large reservoir of higher plant species. Characteristics
of pulpwood and other accepted pulping materials served
as a guideline in determining which properties of nonwoody
species should be measured. The resulting criteria by
which the plant species were judged for their papermaking
potential were as follows: (1) Botanical characteristics
- based on normal habitat, form, agronomic adaptability
and size; (2) Chemical Composition - based on crude
and alpha cellulose and on solubility in 1% NaOH solution;
(3) Fiber Dimensions; (4) individual appraisal; and
(5) yield on maceration.
Among 387 species
that were subjected to the entire screening evaluation,
kenaf and sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) were most
promising. The later decision to concentrate on kenaf
rather than sunn hemp was based largely on the ability
of kenaf to produce consistently higher yields with
much better standability than sunn hemp. Other promising
species included selected sorghums and hemp (Cannabis
sativa L.). - "Search for New Fiber Crops,"
US Department of Agriculture
have found that the financial returns [for kenaf] to
farmers are greater than if they were selling agricultural
residues for pulping. However, farmers can have difficulty
obtaining a loan for kenaf because of the lack of experience
with the crop. Farmers typically need to earn two times
the cost of growing the crop. These returns are possible,
especially as the excess core material can be sold to
kitty litter and oil absorbent cosmetic markets, among
others. - Tom Rymsza, President, Vision Paper
generally pulls in higher value for textiles than for
paper. - Tom Rymsza, President, Vision Paper
LISTENING STUDY: Some compared and contrasted the
two different kinds of sources.
the purchaser's standpoint, we haven't heard much about
the environmental impacts. [Nonwood fibers] seem like
a viable fiber resource, though we'd like to see a life-cycle
analysis that would show the optimal way of growing,
harvesting, and transporting the fiber. For example,
we need to make sure that the forests aren't converted
to produce on-purpose crops. Ideally, alternative fibers
would be grown in economically disadvantaged areas to
promote rural development. If private lands were being
cleared for on-purpose crops, I would offer no support,
though I don't believe that is happening.
Agricultural residues
would be a wonderful alternative if they have the same
integrity and the capital costs were low. It would be
interesting to see what producers have been finding.
For example, what would they say about the fiber strength?
- Tyson Miller, Program Director, Recycled Products
Purchasing Cooperative
farmers, residual fiber is added value but may impact
soil quality adversely if current practice is to plow
it in for soil amendment. Otherwise, there are no changes
from growing the main crop. Time for residuals removal
has to be made and is usually required when dry. Fiber-dedicated
(on-purpose) crops require diversion of agricultural
land from other (food) crops. - Michael Jackson,
Consultant, Tolovana Park, OR
some cases, and especially where fiber can be obtained
from food crop residues, the use of nonwood fiber is
quite attractive from an environmental perspective.
In other instances, and particularly those in which
fiber is obtained from dedicated fiber crops, the environmental
impacts can be quite substantial, and often greater
than impacts linked to the periodic harvest of trees.
- Dr. Jim L. Bowyer, et al, Dovetail Partners
one would expect lesser environmental costs associated
with the use of agricultural residuals than with fibers
grown expressly for papermaking. This is because much
of the environmental cost of using residues would be
allocated to the primary use of the plant. Where the
intent is only fiber, all of the environmental costs
must be associated with fiber production and use. This
does not mean that consequences for the farmer, the
land and resources are reduced; they are merely allocated
differently. - International Paper
On-purpose fibre cropping and food cropping are
the two means to supply non-tree based, cellulosic fibres
for papermaking. For most papermaking applications,
on-purpose fibre cropping is an inefficient supply approach.
It is unnecessary to set aside arable land for fibre
production only. Food cropping with co-production of
surplus straw is the most practical and environmentally-benign
means to deliver large quantities of papermaking fibres.
The farm economy could be improved significantly with
the collection and sales of surplus cereal straw for
industrial uses. Greenhouse gas emission could be reduced
concomitantly through such a practice. - Al
Wong, "Socio-Economic and Technical Issues of On-Purpose
Fibre Cropping and Food Cropping"
common assumption about using agricultural residues
is that the environmental impacts begin after the crop
harvest; impacts from before that point are part of
another process for food or grain production. The straw
is a waste product that is often mishandled or burned,
so we should begin counting the environmental impacts
at the transportation and straw harvesting costs. With
on-purpose crops, we need to look at the impacts from
the very beginning. The on-purpose crops have to catch
up from the other stages and account for all their stages
of production. - Russell Clark, Environmentally
Preferable Purchasing Program, US EPA
general, the straws - wheat straw/rice straw/flax straw
- are inefficient to get to pulp mills. The transportation
costs are high. They are not grown for papermaking.
They are grown for cereal crops. So a new collection
and transportation system needs to be created in order
to make these fibers more viable for papermaking. On-purpose
crops will be subject to the same inputs and impacts
as other crops, but can have the advantage of being
grown closer to the pulp mill, thus greatly reducing
transportation costs. If you grow crops specifically
for papermaking, you then must attribute their environmental
impacts, as well as benefits, to the paper produced.
For waste fibers, there is a greater attribute-to-impact
ratio, because they are not grown to make paper.
- Peter Hopkins, Environmental Papers Consultant
for Crane Paper Company, Gargan Communications
Paul, a ForestEthics paper campaigner, says, "While
it's better to be growing kenaf instead of logging,
we want to really look at the whole life cycle of natural
fibers. We're not sure of the full impact when it includes
clearing land and using pesticides." Paul is, however,
bullish on the use of existing agricultural waste in
papermaking, including corn and rice husks. "But," he
adds, "there hasn't been a lot of development in that
field, either." - Jim Motovalli, "The Paper Chase"
to top
LISTENING STUDY: One of the most contentious arguments
revolves around whether or not on-purpose crops threaten
intact forests. The following comments argue that they
Many are concerned with the implications of intensive
forestry on habitat value and biodiversity. Indeed,
many methods for intensive silviculture compromise forests'
ecological values. It must be realized, though, that
annual crops require the same considerations. It is
hard to imagine that the biological value of even the
most intensive of tree plantations would ever be lower
than that of an agricultural field of comparable size.
Indeed, I would argue that, acre for acre, from an ecological
perspective, habitat value, biodiversity and water quality
protection and soil carbon storage would all be higher
for silviculture relative to agriculture because harvesting,
replanting, fertilization and pesticide application
only occur on a multi-year basis rather than annually.
Regionally, the
biodiversity and habitat quality advantages over agriculture
will vary. In some areas silviculture is not feasible.
However, much of the loss of natural forest has historically
been due to conversion to agricultural use as well as
to tree plantations. Land owners in many parts of the
country, particularly the South where most paper fiber
is grown, might have the option of either silviculture
or agriculture. - Richard Denison, Ph.D., Senior
Scientist, Environmental Defense
practices are changing, with ever-shorter growth cycles.
What had been a 40-year cycle for Douglas fir is now
often a seven-year cycle for eucalyptus or other fast-growing
species. [Tim] Keating {who co-founded Rainforest Relief
in 1989 and still heads the group] believes that if
environmentalists push the [paper] industry into a corner
by advocating kenaf, the paper giants would shrug their
collective shoulders, then clear-cut their vast forest
holdings for one-year-cycle kenaf. "As environmentalists,
we want to use an annual rotation crop for paper, but
we want to buy it from farmers," Keating says. "But
that isn't what would actually happen, given the huge
paper company land investments. I think, instead, we
have to promote the use of agricultural residue instead
of virgin fiber, and refuse to accept on-purpose crops."
Michael Klein, a
spokesperson for the American Forest and Paper Association,
agrees that a groundswell of interest in kenaf would
not preserve trees. "Kenaf is not grown in anywhere
near sufficient quantities to meet the demand for paper,"
he says. "But if the public demanded it you'd see the
wholesale conversion of forests to row crops." - Jim
Motovalli, "Pulp Friction: Debating the Paper Alternatives"
and paper companies in the South obtain only about a
quarter of their wood from their own lands. They purchase
the rest from private landowners. Widespread use of
non-wood fibers could reduce demand, and thus, prices
paid for wood in this region; lower prices might lead
some owners to sell their forestland or convert it to
other uses. - Environmental Defense Fund Paper
Task Force, White Paper 13, "Non-Wood Fiber Sources"
kenaf grows in tropical climates, mainly within 35 degrees
north and south of the Equator, additional expansion
potential would exist mainly in the southern United
States, an area also well suited to plantation silviculture.
- Environmental Defense Fund Paper Task Force, White
Paper 13, "Non-Wood Fiber Sources"
It is important to recognize that while fiber
crops like kenaf must be planted, tended and harvested
every year, tree plantations are typically planted and
harvested only every 20-45 years. Less frequent soil
disturbance can reduce topsoil loss, runoff and the
rate of atmospheric loss of carbon in the form of carbon
dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Compared to annual crop plantations,
tree plantations also offer: a considerable degree of
water quality protection; plant and animal habitat for
some species and greater overall species diversity;
and recreational value, although not to the extent of
natural forests. - Environmental Defense Fund
Paper Task Force, White Paper 13, "Non-Wood Fiber Sources"
the earliest colonial times to the early part of the
twentieth century, 2.1 acres of American forest were
converted to agriculture for every person added to the
population. Globally, conversion to agricultural uses
is still the number one cause of deforestation today.
Currently, both hemp and kenaf are being offered as
alternatives to wood fiber in the manufacture of paper
and similar products. Both of these materials are produced
in mono-cultural, annual rotation, agricultural systems
referred to as "dedicated crops." . . . There are two
key issues to consider with these materials: net productivity
of the land and the direct environmental impacts associated
with fiber production. Evidence suggests that the negative
environmental impacts of commercial production of hemp
and kenaf fiber can be greater than those attributed
to the production of wood fiber. In addition, commercial
production of these alternate materials potentially
increases the land area required for agriculture, a
need that is generally met by the conversion of forestland
and other natural environments. - Dr. Jim L.
Bowyer, et al, Dovetail Partners
STUDY: Many comments argue that forests are not threatened
by on-purpose crops.
Some have claimed that on-purpose crops will only
replace forested land. However, there are over 75 million
idle agricultural acres in the US. If only a portion
of this went to growing kenaf, the supply would be adequate.
- Tom Rymsza, President, Vision Paper
1960 there were some 760 million acres of forested land,
about one-third of the land area of the fifty states.
Of this a little more than 500 million acres could be
classed as commercial - that is, capable of continuously
growing timber crops. . . . The area of commercial forests
gained several million acres per year as old farmlands
reverted to woodlands. At the same time several million
acres of commercial forest were lost to airports, highways,
urban development, and additions to recreation and wilderness
areas. Over the years, these shifts resulted in a net
gain of 40 to 50 million acres of potential commercial
forest. - Cox 1985
I don't think anyone is thinking of cutting down
existing tree farms or forests to plant crops. With
a life cycle analysis, we would understand the implications
of such a replacement. Local conditions are important,
as are the source and destination of the crop. If we
end up getting the tree fiber from more sensitive places,
or cutting down rainforest for eucalyptus trees, it's
time to stop and think. - Russell Clark, Environmentally
Preferable Purchasing Program, US EPA
a Canadian perspective, it makes a lot of sense to further
explore annual crops as viable fibre options. I understand
there have been some lifecycle studies that point to
Southeastern U.S. tree farms as more benign than on-purpose
crops. In the Canadian context, wood fibre and pulps
primarily originate from old-growth or intact forest
eco-systems (~80%). These intact forest ecosystems can
contain trees aged between 80-1400 years old and are
incredibly important for habitat, clean water, and carbon
sequestration, and act as biodiversity storehouses.
Because the biodiversity
values, ecological functions and services of old growth
forests are very different from Southeastern U.S. tree
farms, it may well be that many on-purpose crops actually
are preferable from a life-cycle analysis perspective
to pulp and fibre from intact old growth forests. As
many North American and global papers contain Canadian
pulp - and this should also be accounted for in any
life cycle analysis work - it is important that we are
not just comparing on-purpose crops to SE US forests.
On-purpose crops that don't work from a life-cycle perspective
for SE forests may be fabulous if the alternative source
is intact boreal or temperate rainforests. - Nicole
Rycroft, Campaigns Director, Markets Initiative
is important to follow and support research into on-purpose
crops. I think we should be careful not to refer to
pine plantations as benign in most any context. Giving
the impression that plantations support biodiversity
is inaccurate. (Unless of course we're talking about
deer populations!) The conversion of natural forests
in the SE to pine plantations, requiring an intensive
use of herbicides and fertilizers, is one of our greatest
challenges to forest protection in this region. On-purpose
crops may be a better choice when the alternative is
intact or natural forests (in the Boreal, the Southeast,
or anywhere). - Kelly Sheehan, National Organizer,
Dogwood Alliance
Rymsza, President of KP Products, . . . argues that
unlike long-term tree plantation investments, kenaf
constitutes an immediate, viable cash crop alternative
for many small farms: "The farmer does not decide to
plant trees or annual crops. The farmer has equipment
(tractors, etc.) and mortgages, and an annual income
is required to make payments to keep the farm operation
going, and to pay salaries to the hired help who depend
on farm operations for jobs and income. The farmer will
either plant annual crops or cease conventional farming."
He also raises the significance of ownership issues
associated with tree plantations versus annual crops
from the perspective of the local farm community, observing
that "the crop farmer and family are resident members
of the rural community with a vested interest in water,
air and quality of life issues. . . . [A] tree farm
owner may be a timber company or a large paper user
like Time, Inc. They buy or lease the land and plant
trees. . . . As corporate, absentee owners who view
the tree farm as an investment, their interaction with
the community is vastly different than the farmer. They
are financially able to purchase large tracts of land
and wait a number of years to begin realizing income
from that investment. This strategy impacts the local
community." - Maureen Smith, The U.S. Paper Industry
and Sustainable Production
. . . Tom Rymsza of Vision Paper, a dedicated
kenaf promoter and entrepreneurial producer, sees the
issues somewhat differently [from those who argue that
on-purpose crops threaten forests]. "I think we have
to get into the non-wood sector in a big way," he says.
"The population is growing and so is the demand for
paper. The industry's response is to grow trees faster,
and that ends up manipulating the natural environment
so that we end up with problems like the pine beetle
and the gypsy moth. It's taking the natural cycle and
throwing it out of balance. The whole paradigm of cutting
trees to make paper has a limited lifespan. Some 75
pulp and paper mills have closed in the last five years,
and that's partly because of foreign competition - Asian
producers have much lower land and labor costs, without
environmental regulations." - Jim Motovalli, "Pulp
Friction: Debating the Paper Alternatives"
If just 5% of US corn and soy acreage were planted
to kenaf, prices for those crops would stabilize, with
no net loss to the farmer, since they would be paid
a competitive price for the kenaf, without any subsidy.
The resulting 7.5 million acres of kenaf could supply
more than 1/3 of all U.S. virgin pulp needs. If there
was 1/3 less demand for wood fiber for pulp, the approach
to forest management would change from intensive management
of fast growing trees, to one of mixed species, longer
growth patterns, producing timber rather than pulpwood.
Mixed species, longer growth patterns would more closely
resemble a "forest" than a "tree-farm" and would be
better for watershed protection, habitat, and biodiversity.
- Tom Rymsza, President, Vision Paper
say we will have to cut down the forests to make room
to grow kenaf. Others fear kenaf will sterilize soil
or increase chemical use. These fears are unfounded,
and are promoted by timber industry interests in order
to slow or prevent the emergence of kenaf as a competitive
fiber source. The American Forest and Paper Association,
an organization whose very name reveals its purpose,
which is to maintain the link between forests and paper,
does not support nonwood alternatives.
example, in March 1995, Matt Van Hook, Vice President
of AF&PA, wrote to the San Francisco Chronicle regarding
kenaf that "millions of acres of land would have to
be cleared to allow sufficient quantities of the plant
to be grown, and that could mean leveling forests."
In April 1995, Barry Polsky, a spokesman for AF&PA,
was quoted in the Arizona Republic saying, "You have
to clear a lot of land for (kenaf). It is a crop. Farmers
have to give up land or cut down forests to make room
to grow it."
In December 1995,
W. Henson Moore, President and CEO of AF&PA, wrote to
the Washington Post that, "Millions of acres of arable
land would have to be cleared to grow enough hemp or
kenaf to satisfy American and Foreign demand for paper
products. Farmers either would reduce acreage devoted
to food plants, or forests would have to be leveled,
never to be replanted."
This is simply not
true, and works to the detriment of sustainable agriculture
and farmers who need new crops now. - Tom Rymsza,
President, Vision Paper
I think there is way too much focus on comparisons
only to forests in debates on this question. Those currently
debating this issue are primarily forest issue activists,
and of course the paper industry in North America is
built on making paper from forest fiber, so it's no
wonder that everyone right now sees the issue primarily,
or only, in terms of forests. It is essential to protect
the forests and forest activists have been doing profound
work in challenging the status quo and searching for
more environmentally sound production systems. But this
question brings in another dimension of complexity.
It crosses over to also include agricultural sustainability
issues, where there is a whole different set of thinkers
and activists working to re-orient the agricultural
status quo to be more sustainable both for farmers and
the land. So this question of ag residues vs. on-purpose
crops cannot be analyzed only from a forest paradigm.
We have to bring in an additional set of experts with
sustainable agriculture expertise and perspectives to
add to the forest considerations.
Frankly, the argument
for undermining the value of on-purpose crops for papermaking
because they might encourage some forest landholders
to abandon trees sounds like a red herring to me. As
a relative of a small forest landholder - and a large
percentage of the trees that are cut for timber and
paper in the U.S. come from small landholdings - it
seems to me that they are a wholly different type of
person from farmers. I find it difficult to imagine
that someone who has invested in forest land, which
doesn't need a lot of maintenance, would be very attracted
to the idea of cutting down all the trees, hauling out
all the stumps, and then becoming a farmer with all
its daily risks, responsibilities and crises. So mainly
we're faced with paper companies threatening to cut
down their plantations to plant on-purpose crops, if
they become valuable. How likely is that, realistically?
First of all, we
are not talking about a black-and-white situation in
which today we're making paper from trees and tomorrow
we're suddenly making all our paper from hemp or kenaf.
We don't even have mills that can efficiently pulp those
fibers, although a couple have been jury-rigged on occasion
to process a small amount. There are whole systems involving
pulp mills and farming and transportation that have
to be built before those fibers can be considered real
competition with forest fiber. This will build slowly
and the changes can be integrated positively, if we
plan well.
Second, the paper
companies can threaten to abandon their trees, but should
we allow this threat to abruptly stop promising agricultural
fiber potentials? This is what zoning laws and land-use
laws are for. If these are not strong enough, that can
be changed.
Third, isn't it
just as likely that small forest landholders and tree
plantation owners could be encouraged by a shift in
valuation of their trees to allow the trees to grow
for a longer time-period in order to become much more
valuable timber, rather than cutting them for pulp when
they are only a few years old? Rotations are getting
shorter and shorter. It used to be that trees were grown
for 40, 50, even 80 years before they were cut, and
by then they would have grown big enough around to be
valued for lumber. Often, a landholder only harvested
trees once or twice a generation. Fiber for paper was
a byproduct of the lumber, not the primary goal. But
now all the focus is shifting to how to turn the trees
into cash fast, with rotations of only 15, or even 7,
and in China down to 5, years. They're getting closer
and closer to annual crops, and less and less like forests,
all the time.
Fourth, my understanding
is that often on-purpose crops can be grown as rotation
crops, which rebuilds the soil and brings in additional
income to a farmer. We do not have to have agricultural
mono-crop "plantations." A number of respondents to
the Listening Study have pointed out that there is a
great deal of idle farmland, often paid for by taxes
subsidizing farmers not to grow crops that are overproduced.
Doesn't it make sense to use that land to produce something
that we do want to use, and that they can sell
for income rather than relying on a subsidy? It doesn't
seem necessary to cut down more forests in order to
plant kenaf or hemp - there's plenty of farmland already
available, both idle and rotation. Statements that "lots
of forests have been cut for farmland," while true,
sound like scare tactics. The fact that, in general,
forests have been cut for farmland in the past does
not directly relate to whether this particular
use would encourage that practice. At best, it warns
us to put legal rules and market incentives in place
to make sure that doesn't happen.
The fact is that
the only U.S. or Canadian nonwood fibers that have gotten
to consistent marketplace printing and writing paper
products, other than cotton and a very small amount
of bagasse, are on-purpose crops. The companies that
produce and distribute them - including Living Tree,
Vision Paper, Ecosource Paper and, up until recently,
Crane Paper Company and Domtar - have taken enormous
financial risks, put in decades of phenomenal dedication,
built complex sourcing systems from the ground up, responded
to environmental issues, and turned out extremely high
quality products in a highly technical and demanding
industry. There have been promising experiments with
agricultural residues, and Neenah Paper imports some
bagasse from Kimberly-Clark's Mexican mill for some
of their paper, but non-cotton ag residues have not
yet produced a wide array of consistent printing and
writing paper products in North America. While I consider
it very worthwhile for people to work on developing
ag residue paper fiber potentials, I also think it would
be disgraceful to turn our backs on the people who have
actually already made nonwood papers in the U.S. a reality.
Instead, they deserve encouragement and support to add
another dimension to the development of sustainable
paper fiber options.
When Conservatree
was a company developing recycled printing and writing
papers, it was constantly under attack from the paper
industry, which did not want any competition with virgin
tree fiber papers, as well as, regrettably, from some
environmental groups who endlessly debated whether each
step towards producing a sustainable recycled paper
was "environmentally perfect" enough - while continuing
to buy virgin paper. It takes a lot of imperfection
to learn enough and develop enough to create "perfection"
in the real world, especially in a cut-throat, monumentally
capitalized industry. When people take on the nearly
impossible task of developing all the systems necessary
to bring an alternative fiber paper to the marketplace
(elsewhere, Maureen Smith notes that the obstacles are
so enormous that it's a wonder anyone in their right
mind would do it), we should be cheering them on, giving
them support, recognizing that they are taking our dreams
and trying to make them into reality, rather than undermining
them at every turn.
Yes, we should make
sure the products and their production methods are not
creating environmental and social damage but, except
when there is substantiated evidence of that, I think
that people who want nonwood options have a responsibility
to give the entrepreneurs and inventors space to develop
the systems, facilities and knowledge necessary to make
real alternatives. It's easy to dream of perfection,
much more challenging to create tangible results. -
Susan Kinsella, Conservatree
50k acres of Arundo eliminates the need to cut
down 1.2 mil acres of forest. Planting Arundo donax
does not threaten what would otherwise be tree farms
or forest lands; there are currently 60 million acres
of corn and we only need 20 million to feed the world.
We have corn in bins waiting to be sold. If we planted
1 million acres of Arundo, we wouldn't have to harvest
any more trees because the yields are so high. These
yields tests have been performed by Perfeco labs in
Japan, Econotech in British Columbia, U of W in Seattle,
OG Corporation, Nepon, Mishima. - Ernett Altherimer,
Founder and Chairman, Nile Fiber
to top
Impacts on Farmers
There are two main advantages for farmers in growing
fibre crops rather than trees. Firstly, the area under
the crop can be changed every year depending on the
relative benefits from the crop. Secondly, income is
generated every year, avoiding the need for credit to
support tree growing costs over many years. The opportunity
cost of pulping agri-residues is generally low, since
they are by-products of food crops which would be grown
anyway. However, this depends on the alternative uses
of the residues, such as for fuel or animal fodder and
bedding. - IIED 1996, Towards A Sustainable
Paper Cycle
most environmentally sound option would be to have mini-mills
near the source. For example, if the rice growing in
areas of California that are required to cease field
burning could supply a nearby mill, that would be ideal.
- Jeff Mendelsohn, President, New Leaf Paper
Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops
states, " . . . overconcentration and overproduction
in a relatively small number of food and feed crops
have created global problems. Clearly, diversification
in agriculture is of high priority." - Brochure
referenced in Maureen Smith, The U.S. Paper Industry
and Sustainable Production
would be able to grow cash crops and become active members
of the economy rather than passive receivers of subsidies.
- Punya Chaudhuri, "Sowing the Seeds for a New Fiber
Supply," Pulp and Paper International (March
1995) 68-69, referenced in Maureen Smith, The U.S.
Paper Industry and Sustainable Production
Except for the root-nematode problem, kenaf is very
pest-resistant. However, it is likely that in most areas
fertilizers, and in some areas nematicides, herbicides
and irrigation will be used. . . . The need for pesticide
application is very location-specific. . . . When added
to an existing crop rotation, kenaf can reduce pesticide
requirements of other crops, improve soil conditions
and thus increase the overall sustainability of a crop
rotation. - Environmental Defense Fund Paper Task
Force, White Paper 13, "Non-Wood Fiber Sources"
Hemp is susceptible to only a few pests, including
some seed and soil-borne fungi and root-knot nematodes.
The nematodes can be managed through plant breeding.
Thus, hemp can be grown without or with only minimal
use of pesticides.
Used as a rotational
crop, hemp can reduce pesticide requirements of other
crops grown in the same rotation because it is an effective
weed suppressor and reduces some major soil pathogens.
Because of its well developed rooting system, it also
has a beneficial effect on the soil structure. - Environmental
Defense Fund Paper Task Force, White Paper 13, "Non-Wood
Fiber Sources"
to top
Papermaking Qualities
LISTENING STUDY: The environmental impacts of agricultural
residues vs. on-purpose crops are very important. But
the ability to make each type of fiber into good paper
is equally important and, ultimately, will be the determining
factor in which fibers are used.
Fiber Characteristics: Straw must be harvested in
a time frame consistent with the harvest of the grain.
Depending on regional practices, the straw may be cut
and baled at the same time as the grain crop, or it
may be harvested in a subsequent operation. The storage
conditions and moisture content of the straw are important
because it is susceptible to molds and rot, and subject
to spontaneous combustion. Weathered straw consumes
more chemicals for pulping and yields less pulp, with
relatively lower strength.
Fibers from wheat
and rice straw are short (0.5 - 1.5 mm) and weak
when compared to wood fiber. On their own, they cannot
provide the technical properties demanded by modern
pulp and paper manufacturers, nor can they meet the
demands of the printing and packaging industries. While
straw fibers could supplement wood fiber in some of
the less demanding grades of paper and packaging (such
as the corrugated section of a cardboard box), and when
used in small percentages, could be incorporated into
higher quality applications, they do not possess the
necessary physical attributes to replace tree fiber
in the majority of paper applications.
Straw contains
significant amounts of silica, ranging approximately
from 3-14%, and ash depending on type and regional growing
conditions. In the process of pulping, silica is separated
from the fiber and appears in the black liquor (waste
stream) in the form of sodium silicate and/or other
complex siliceous compounds. The black liquor also contains
the noncellulose portion of the straw (lignin, pentosans
and other degradable carbohydrates), and the process
chemicals and water. Heat is used to reduce the water
content. Upon evaporation, the resulting fluid is quite
thick and difficult to process in a chemical recovery
system. This silica accumulates and causes scaling in
evaporator tubes and other parts of the recovery system,
reducing their efficiency and adding to maintenance
Corn Stalk Fiber
Characteristics: There is no readily available evidence
of current commercial use in the world. Historically,
corn stalks were used to produce low grade wrapping
paper and board in Austria around 1880.
Corn stalks' cellulose
content (35-45%) ranges significantly depending on variety
and regional conditions. Combined with the high lignin
content (14-34%) and nodes and pith, pulp yields of
30-40% are optimistically misleading because the resulting
pulp is dominated by non-fibrous elements (epidema,
pith, barrel type vessels). Such a low pulp yield indicates
a high cost of processing. The environmental compliance
characteristics are challenging because there will be
roughly two tons of waste stream solids for every one
ton of pulp produced.
Fibers from corn
are short (1.2-1.4 mm) and would be roughly comparable
to a hardwood fiber in length and width. The strength
properties reported are poor, and during refining the
freeness decreases quickly and the drainage rate decreases
even faster than with straw. - Tom Rymsza,
President, Vision Paper
to top
on Sustainability Systems
LISTENING STUDY: In 2004, recycled content makes
up 37% of the fiber used to make paper and packaging
in the U.S. (Only about 5% is used in printing and writing
papers, but considerably higher percentages are used
in newsprint, tissue and packaging.) Most environmental
groups see recycled content as the foundation for an
environmentally sustainable paper production system.
But there are some questions about how well non-wood
fibers can be recycled, no matter what type of fiber
is used to make the original paper. See Question 52
for a fuller discussion of this issue.
paper and cardboard containing straw fiber are mixed
with wood-based paper and cardboard in waste collection
systems, then processed under the same conditions as
the wood-content waste in a recycling mill, the weaker
straw fibers break down more easily than wood fiber,
and act as a contaminant, slowing the drainage time
of the pulp, and producing weaker products. All fibers
become shorter in the recycling process; since straw
fibers are short to begin with, recycling them will
make them too short to be retained in the process, and
the shortest will pass through screens along with other
process rejects. This will result in a lower yield for
a recycling mill, which will have negative economic
impacts. - Tom Rymsza, President, Vision Paper
to top