Chlorine Free Paper Issues


Market Factors

The following questions (#1-12 in the Study) are intended to be addressed by this section of the Listening Study. If new questions or discussions arise that relate to markets, overall manufacturing structure, or distribution, they are welcome here.


1. What are the impacts of different paper grades (e.g. which tend to have the most environmental attributes, which are more difficult to incorporate environmental attributes into, what are their typical types of customer and subsequent attitudes, which hold larger environmental market segments, what is the outlook for the grades in a rapidly changing paper economy)?

2. What are the impacts of different purchasing sectors (governments, printers, corporate, environmental organizations, others)?

3. How do distribution channels affect environmental paper availability and acceptability (e.g. printers, large-quantity distributors, small quantity vendors, retail stores, office products stores, mail order)?

4. Are paper prices affected by government subsidies, incentives, and externalized costs?

Manufacturers and OEMs

5. The U.S. market is really a North American market, with significant supply coming from Canada as well as the U.S., and also some pulp from Mexico. Do the mills in Canada, which are most closely aligned with U.S. mills, differ in any significant ways? How does market pulp and paper from other parts of the world impact the U.S. market?

6. How is the industry changing and what is the future of paper?

7. How does equipment design hinder or benefit the use of environmental papers?

Paper Purchasers

8. What market-based purchasing campaigns are current?

9. Are paper buyers willing to pay more for environmental papers, if necessary? If so, what are their considerations?

10. What performance requirements inhibit consideration of environmental papers? Are they justified?

11. How can purchasers be persuaded to buy environmental papers?

12. What are purchasers' unconscious expectations of paper?

As we gather more responses to these questions, we will prepare a report to be available here.

Please send us your comments!


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