Chlorine Free Paper Issues


Are there enough forestlands meeting an acceptable definition of "sustainably-managed" to supply the paper industry?

At present, there are not enough FSC-certified forestlands to meet demand in the U.S. - Victoria Mills, Project Manager, Corporate Partnerships, Environmental Defense

LISTENING STUDY: Some responses indicate that there are enough "sustainably-managed" forestlands to supply the paper industry.

There can be some confidence that there will be sufficient fibre to meet current projections for growing global paper consumption into the next century, even if the remaining opportunities for the one-off mining of natural forests are closed off. But paper is likely to be more costly, and consumption growth will only be met through an acceptance of pulp derived from well-managed plantations in developing countries.
     As a result, it appears that much of the current concern that fibre inputs will be the principal limiting factor on global consumption growth is not borne out. Instead, the capacity of the environment to deal with the outputs of the paper cycle could form the limiting factor. At a national or regional level, however, as the India case study demonstrated, fibre shortfalls could continue to hold back consumption, and could indeed worsen. Trade liberalisation and a resolution of the stand-off over new pulpwood plantations could resolve some of these local constraints. - Robins 1996

Yes, but it ultimately depends on where the manufacturing facility is located. There are enough certified lands in North America, Europe, and now much of Latin America to meet the demand for paper. However, there are probably not enough certified lands in Asia and Eastern Russia to meet demand in those areas today. - International Paper

Yes. Stora Enso North America's wood procurement system is certified to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFISM). There are requirements with this certification to ensure that all the wood Stora Enso North America uses come from sustainably managed forests. Many forests are managed sustainably but are not certified. Examples of these forests are public lands where there is no legislation to meet sustainability requirements. - Stora Enso

LISTENING STUDY: Other responses convey a shortage of "sustainably-managed" forestlands supplying the paper industry.

Thus, the Taiga Rescue Network, which monitors forest conservation in boreal areas, has concluded: if paper consumption in the affluent countries is allowed to grow, we will very soon reach the limits of ecologically sustainable timber harvest on a global scale. - Taiga Rescue Network

Even though consumption forecasts for paper and board are steadily growing at an average rate of 2% per year, even with improved technology, a higher recycling rate and more efficiency, the need for wood (in European markets) will also increase. When looking at the three developments (increased use of biomass for energy production, enhanced carbon sequestration via forest management measures, closer to nature forest management) which could threaten its mobility, the industry could face a lack of wood as raw material in the years to come because it cannot be supplied efficiently. - De Galembert 2003

No. - Susan Hammond, Executive Director, Silva Forest Foundation

LISTENING STUDY: Another response indicates that the question is unanswerable due to the inconsistencies inherent in defining "sustainably-managed" forestlands.

This is impossible to answer because many lands have not been certified, and some systems, i.e. Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) and Tree Farm, do not fully address the definition. Some of the SFI and Tree Farm lands may meet the definition, but that cannot be determined from the certification. - Robert R. Bryan, Forest Ecologist, Maine Audubon

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