Home > Paper selection > Choose


The first step in choosing paper is to evaluate how to reduce paper use so that you're only using what's truly needed. The section on source reduction and reducing waste includes an overview, as well as great tips on:


Then decide which grade (functional type) of paper you need for the job at hand. Papers are made to meet different technical specifications for different needs, so choosing the right grade is critical.

  • Find out what grades of paper are used for particular types of jobs.
  • Or, match your project up to the grade that will best meet your needs.

After learning about the types of environmental papers available, how do you choose what environmental attributes are "the best"?

Can't find the type of environmental paper you need? Maybe you can pioneer a custom paper.


The Environmental Paper Sources page gives you an overview of how to find papers and the suppliers that provide them.

Find out about the some of the most forward-thinking and committed environmental paper companies, and the people behind them, in our PROFILES.


Cost issues are often a major concern to buyers choosing environmental papers? Did you know that many recycled papers are the same price, or even less expensive, than virgin papers, and that price differentials on recycled papers that do cost more are very small now.

Some mills sell their recycled coated papers at the same price as their virgin papers. Find out which ones.

Find out some of the factors affecting cost, as well as steps you can take to reduce or eliminate its impact on your project.


Some types of paper use raise special issues or require specialized information. See special sections on/for:

Book Publishers - Conservatree is an advisor to the Green Press Initiative, focused on converting U.S. book publishing to environmental papers. The Markets Initiative works with Canadian book publishers and authors.

Magazine Publishers - See the website for the Magazine PAPER Project, focused on converting magazines to environmental papers. Now headed up by Co-op America, the Magazine PAPER Project was originally started by a collaboration between Conservatree, the Independent Press Association, and Co-op America.

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