
Table 1. Comparison of Environmental Impacts of Dedicated Fiber crops, Agricultural Residues, and Tree Fibers
- Dedicated Fiber Crop Agricultural Residual Material Trees
Yield, Dry T/acre/year 5-15 1-4

Pacific NW - 1-2
Southern US - 2-4
Hardwood plantation US - 4-6
S American Plantations - 4-10

Yield over time High yield expectations may diminish over time Constant Constant
Pesticides - Weed Control Medium As already used for main crop Zero except at time of replanting, once in 10-60 years
Pesticides - Insects Not known As already used for main crop Zero except in isolated instances of beetle infestations
Fertilizers Medium yearly requirement As already used for main crop Low twice in 10 years for plantations, Zero for forests
Need for bleaching 10-15% less than hardwood 10-15% less than hardwood Based on softwood as standard, hardwoods 15% less.
Water for irrigation Probably needed if rain fall less than 30 inches in growing season. As already used for main crop Not required
Water in pulping process May be higher due to poorer drainage May be higher due to poor drainage Standard, being reduced by the industry
Energy in supplying the raw material High, especially in annually harvested crops Medium as some charged to main crop product Low due to non annual harvesting
Pollution Possibility of polluted run off from fields Already exists for main crop Low
Pollution from pulping Slightly higher due to lower yields and poorer drainage Slightly higher due to lower yields and poorer drainage Standard
- Michael Jackson, Consultant, Tolovana Park, OR, personal response to Fiber Futures regarding differences between fibers, August 2002